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Radek Straka managed to conquer the world and help many achieve independence

Riss Company s.r.o. was founded in 1999 by then-27-year-old Radek Straka from the Czech Republic. At that time, he specialized in marketing and printing promotional leaflets for companies in the Czech Republic as well as various German firms.

In 2004, Riss Company decided to relocate to new premises and hired a moving company from Plzeň. One thing led to another, and an agreement was reached: the moving service would be free in exchange for advertising on online classified portals. And that’s how it all began. Thanks to the advertisements, there was a significant increase in moving service orders, so Riss Company and a small moving firm from Plzeň decided to collaborate and established the moving company Extra Stěhování s.r.o.

Two years later, Radek Straka was in Vietnam at the Vietnam Expo trade fair. As he was leaving a local club, he fell down the stairs. After the fall, he sat on the last step where he had landed and said, “I’ll turn this into a franchise.” And he did.

Upon returning to the Czech Republic, lawyers drafted a franchise agreement for the moving service concept, he wrote down the know-how for providing moving services, set all the conditions and rules for these services, registered the trademark, and then approached employees in his branches across the country to see if they were interested in joining the project. Branches that were unprofitable or barely breaking even now had the opportunity to earn independently under one brand and within the terms of a franchise agreement. And surprise, surprise—they all joined!

“How come? Weren’t they losing money?” The people in these branches realized that if they worked for themselves, it would be totally worth it. They would work more, including weekends, pay more attention to their clients, communicate with them more, and ultimately earn more. And so, within one week, the first five franchise companies of Extra Stěhování were born,” recalled Radek Straka.

Today, it is known not only in Europe…

This international franchise network provides services to citizens, entrepreneurs, and institutions in all European Union countries—services that we most commonly use in everyday life. Thanks to the franchisees and partners of the EXTRA SERVICES network , it ensures moving, clearing, cleaning services, washing, maintenance, and handyman services. These are services needed in every household as well as in every business or company. The network brings together and connects thousands of movers, transporters, cleaning companies, and craftsmen from all over Europe, who provide their services at a professional and expert level.


Why Become an Investor in the International Network EXTRA SERVICES

Most mentors advise against making investment decisions based on feelings, suggesting instead to rely solely on logic and clear, defined numbers. Yes, that’s true. However, numbers alone might not be the main criteria for us. Since 2006, we have...

Why Becoming a Franchisee of the International EXTRA SERVICES Network

The reasons can be several. But only for someone who thinks purely pragmatically and economically. For someone who wants to bring their own ideas into the franchise system on how to improve things, do things better, or differently according to...

Why become a Partner of the international EXTRA SERVICES network

It’s actually all very simple. But only if you’ve ever tried running a business on your own and can understand all the aspects that this company will take care of for you and the kind of support it will provide. The best partners and...