Why become a Partner of the international EXTRA SERVICES network
It’s actually all very simple. But only if you’ve ever tried running a business on your own and can understand all the aspects that this company will take care of for you and the kind of support it will provide. The best partners and franchisees are those who have been in business for a few years or have been entrepreneurs and know exactly what true business and entrepreneurial success entails. Anyone who does business is a true hero. It’s a person who is willing to take responsibility for the decisions they make in life and turn them into success or failure. But a true hero is someone who is willing to take full responsibility for all of their decisions in life.

Consider this article more of a type of mentoring rather than a guide or recruitment for new partners in our network. If you have no business experience and think that in just a few days you’ll be making a fortune with us, and that we are the salvation that will bring you to the top of entrepreneurial success, please be so kind as to not register with us. This is not how the world of business truly works, and you would be wasting both your time and ours. Every business is hard work and involves sacrifice. Success in business is hard work and sacrifice. Are you capable and willing to sacrifice your comfort for business success?
As an international franchise network, we are able to provide you with hundreds and thousands of orders, on which you can make a lot of money. That’s it. Are you reading this carefully? If you have already been in business or are currently in business, you know very well that the hardest and most complicated process in business is getting new orders and new clients. After that, comes the second process – the business strategy, business empathy, and the entrepreneurial spirit. We have thousands of partners and franchisees. How is it possible that 60% of them are making truly unbelievable amounts of money, while the other 40% can’t even cover their living expenses? How is this possible? They all have exactly the same conditions. They use the same system. They have the same opportunities.
It’s about the fact that each of us is really a little different. Some people have a greater drive, and some have less. And that’s what ultimately decides the final outcome. Each of us is the creator of our life and destiny. Destiny is not given; we create it with our decisions, actions, and behavior. And then we must be willing to take responsibility for everything we’ve done.
Those who have already been in business know they must take at least these steps to make the world aware of them and to get new orders and clients:
- Start a company or business – minimum cost?
- Make a website – through a friend? – minimum cost?
- Set up an email – minimum cost?
- Advertising – everyone starts with Google – I’ll try minimum cost?
- That’s not enough – let’s put an article in the newspaper – minimum cost?
- Still not enough – flyers and stickers, which I first need to have made – minimum cost?
- Still not enough – I’ll try billboards (1? 2? 3?) hmmmmmm – minimum cost?
- It’s a new era – I’ll try Facebook and Instagram – minimum cost?
- Yoooooo, TikTok is also trending – minimum cost?
- I’ll hire experts for social media – yes, but that costs something – minimum cost?
And suddenly, when we add up 10x the minimum basic costs to get a new order or client, we realize that the minimum costs we perceived for visibility and promotion have slightly changed. And it still doesn’t mean we have a new client if we’re not able to negotiate with them commercially. And so, we don’t have any income unless we can agree on the following deal and service that will bring us financial income and, in turn, a satisfied client who will contact us again.
And that’s the simple model that few realize immediately, but the model that our international franchise network EXTRA SERVICES provides to all of its registered clients, called PARTNERS. It allows everyone to save on all these costs and get to a point where they don’t have to worry about anything and can just choose an order that they will either be able to arrange or not. But all the previous steps to acquire clients don’t need to be dealt with. We handle them and pay for them – only WE. If we don’t find you any work, you don’t pay anything. If we find it for you, all the earnings are yours, the client is yours, and that’s at a minimum cost. This is the biggest and most important bonus we offer to all our new Partners. A bonus that only those who have been in business and gone through this process themselves can fully understand, realizing how costly this process truly is.

Our registered Partner doesn’t have to worry about anything. If they find an order they want to realize, yes, they will pay for it. But they don’t worry about anything else. If they can’t arrange it, then nothing can be done, it’s up to them. If they arrange it and the client becomes their regular client, that’s also up to them. If they’re an entrepreneur at heart, they’ll be extremely satisfied. If they’re a beginner, it will be slightly more complicated for them, or they may think they can do it better on their own. But that’s okay. They can try. They can come back to us at any time. They just need to suppress their EGO and admit to themselves that they did it on their own but with much higher costs. Or they didn’t succeed and they’ll just give up on business, and their dreams of independence will fade away.
Advantages for Partners in the EXTRA SERVICES Network
- Free registration and a bonus in your wallet.
- You risk absolutely nothing, you can only gain.
- Just reserve an order and immediately negotiate with the client directly.
- Connection with the client within one second – immediately after reserving the order via SMS.
- The order is unique, and whoever reserves it, it’s theirs. No one else can get it.
- International reach – all Partners have access to the international database of orders from across the EU.
- There is no intermediary between the Partner and the client. You negotiate all the terms and prices directly.
- You receive the full price from every completed order.
- You regularly receive information about new orders.
- You build your own network of new clients.
- Every subsequent deal with the client is solely yours.
- You don’t have to pay for online ads.
- You don’t have to create websites or maintain them.
- You don’t have to pay for social media ads.
- On the EXTRA SERVICES platform, you can have your own business card with contact information and photos.
- Regular competitions for cash and valuable prizes.
- The possibility of advancing to the position of Franchisee.
- You have unlimited potential in your business. Whether you choose to take advantage of it or not, it’s up to you.

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