Why Becoming a Franchisee of the International EXTRA SERVICES Network
The reasons can be several. But only for someone who thinks purely pragmatically and economically. For someone who wants to bring their own ideas into the franchise system on how to improve things, do things better, or differently according to their own vision, this may not be the best decision. The entire concept has been put together over many years by dozens of people. People who set everything based on research, experience, mistakes, and their subsequent corrections so that everything fits together and makes the greatest economic sense. Years of experience from someone striving to achieve the best results cannot simply be questioned or changed by someone with minimal experience and little exposure to the successes and failures in the business sphere. Or rather, they can, but then they are obviously heading in a different direction where they still need to learn a lot from their own experiences, feelings, mistakes, and decisions.
The development of every franchise system requires incredible effort from not one, not two, but dozens of people whose sole goal is to achieve maximum profit and success with the lowest possible costs. Yes, you might say, “Yes, profit, but for you.“ Yes, that's true. We also need to be able to generate some profit. And that's primarily to ensure the development of our franchisees and to make sure every franchisee is satisfied. To enable them to successfully do business with us for as long as possible and to earn first and foremost for themselves, and then something for us. This allows us to reinvest the income into research, statistics, advertising, development, and building a stronger brand not just for ourselves but for everyone who is part of the EXTRA SERVICES franchise system.
If we thought short-term and only about ourselves, every franchisee would leave us within a year, and in a few years, we would obviously cease to exist too. Every mistake, every misstep we made, not only cost the incredible efforts of many people to correct them but also resulted in significant financial losses and expenses. We learned from these mistakes and strive to ensure our franchisees never make the same ones. That’s why there’s something called know-how, which everyone must follow precisely, absolutely precisely, to avoid the mistakes and missteps that we have already paid dearly for. Mistakes they would make themselves, like absolutely anyone who tries to improve their entrepreneurial growth but lacks the experience of what we have had to go through since 2006. What we had to try to achieve the best economic results for the entire network.
How to start a business? How to improve your business? How to earn more? We can't advise on these questions. We don’t know your ideas, and we certainly don’t know your expectations. This is a challenge in every type of business. We have franchisees who join us, trust us completely, do everything exactly as we tell them, even though they don’t yet understand why, and within a year, they become top-notch in their field with very above-standard earnings. But there are also those who join, bring their own ideas into the business, and after a year tell us they had a different vision. That they wouldn’t have to work so much, that they would have higher income, etc. But we can understand them too. Their expectations and visions weren’t fulfilled. But what were they? If someone doesn’t tell us, we don’t know.
What does the EXTRA SERVICES network offer to our franchisees?
- We provide franchise financing – you only need 10%.
- All orders from your region are free for 5 years.
- Instant SMS notifications of new orders.
- Immediate connection with the client.
- You always collect the full price from every order.
- Every client becomes exclusively yours.
- Equipment and company clothing for 5 years.
- Complete training and know-how transfer.
- Access to the EU central demand database.
- Complete company listing with your direct contacts.
- Business success statistics.
- VIP clients.
- Complete online advertising in your location.
- Company and IT support.
- Company vehicle branding.
Over the years of doing business, we have spent millions on developing the EXTRA SERVICES concept. Imagine a team of 12 people, their monthly salaries, and multiply that by 12 months. Then, for example, 20 years. You’ll arrive at an astronomical operational cost of something that is supposed to earn money for everyone and serve the majority of people. Just try calculating it to understand how financially demanding such a project can be, yet it must still be financially advantageous for both clients and providers. And in this, we will continue to support not only you but also ourselves. To support and build your and our growth by strengthening our shared international franchise network brand EXTRA SERVICES. So that everyone who is part of this project is completely satisfied.

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Why become a Partner of the international EXTRA SERVICES network
It’s actually all very simple. But only if you’ve ever tried running a business on your own and can understand all the aspects that this company will take care of for you and the kind of support it will provide. The best partners and...