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A company is not just a company Order

office cleaning

A friend of mine has been working as a clerk for some time now. This period is not 5 or 10 years, but almost 30. I know, I’m not the youngest, she says, and that’s why what I’m about to describe is not a current state, but unfortunately, a vast experience. Every office uses the services of some cleaning company, which, in today’s market, especially on the internet, offers its services. However, not every office has a lucky hand when it comes to choosing. Of course, I don’t want to take this as a rule, but it does happen. Some employees of these companies rely on cooperation with the clerks. What do I mean by that? Yes, literally. She continues to describe.

I understand that the contractual conditions they sign include the necessity to respect personal workspace. I wouldn’t like it either if a lady, so to speak, rummaged through my drawer, but sometimes I wonder what they consider personal space. Again, I say, not all of them. They probably consider the usual cleaning tasks to be vacuuming, mopping, cleaning the toilet, emptying trash cans, possibly cleaning the glass at the counter or wiping the dust. Yes, I do too. But not always is this considered a normal cleaning task. This is the case for some cleaning company employees. What happens is that you come to work and the trash hasn’t been emptied, and don’t even get me started on the dirty glass at the counter. What’s the first thing that comes to your mind? Does this lady clean like this at home? Maybe yes, but then why would she get employed by a cleaning company? This case is not common, sometimes they probably slack off and rely on the clerks, who are also women, to empty the trash themselves. Well, okay. But there are things that some employees probably never even think of, like lifting the toilet seat when wiping the toilet.

You see, even though the workplace may consist only of women, dirt and dust still get there. Even if the women don’t lift the seat. Another thing is a clean radiator. That’s probably personal space, which the clerk should clean herself. Well, those are the thoughts that come to my mind when I look at some things. Do the cleaners consider it personal space, or have they forgotten, or simply never thought of it? Now it occurred to me, when I order a cleaning service, I tell them my requirements and expect them to be met. I say I want this cleaned, that washed, and so on. And when some lady applies for a job at a company that has signed a contract with some office, she should have this information. Maybe a designated employee who has this information could walk her through the specific object and areas and tell her the client’s requirements. Just like any of us who orders this service would do.

I don’t know, maybe this happens, and the responsibility is then on each cleaning lady. But what if the companies don’t do this? Maybe they just buy cleaning products, show the specific areas, write up the contract conditions, and don’t care about anything else. Maybe only when a clerk raises the issue with her superior, who is then willing to address the situation. And not everyone does that. I really know what I’m talking about. She concludes her thoughts with a sigh.

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