Cleaning stereotype Order

Does the cleaning stereotype annoy you too? I already have trauma on Wednesday from Friday. I actually have a bigger household cleaning scheduled every week. I even thought about interrupting, canceling, just getting rid of this stereotype. But I can’t manage it, and sometimes I even think I’m crazy on my own. Move it to another day of the week, do it on a different day every week, I say to myself. But to no avail. I’ve even wondered if I learned it from childhood. I’ve searched my memory in vain, I can’t recall at all that my mom was such a crazy person like me. I guess I set it up this way due to my work schedule. As they say at work... we have a short one.
Well, I’m at home, and now I know the reason for my obsession. Friday is the only day when it can be managed. Vacuuming, mopping, cleaning the bathroom and toilet, washing clothes. Just a hassle. Every week the same thing. Well, these are regular activities, as I’ve already written, weekly, and some have to be done multiple times a week. Just last week I tackled an activity that doesn’t happen often, which is washing windows. Well, that’s always an experience. First negative, then positive... the result is beautifully white and scented curtains that perfume the whole apartment. Just fabulous. However, what irritates me are the blinds. We still have the old type of blinds, and it’s completely impossible to clean them perfectly. Those individual grooves, on one side, the other side, around the string. It just doesn’t work. I give up.
And then our sofa. A disaster. Although when I vacuum, I vacuum the sofa too, but we have a dog, and not a small one. Although he should be an outdoor dog, he’s a German Shepherd, but my husband calls him a house dog, or, more colloquially, a couch dog. And that’s the reason for the disastrous condition of our sofa. Mystery solved. And if you didn’t know, this kind of home dog has semi-long sharp hair, which amazingly and in an indestructible way gets stuck in the sofa, and you can’t get it off for the life of you. Maybe with tweezers, one by one. But I’m not that crazy. So I take the vacuum, whatever it picks up, I vacuum. Then I throw the blanket back, so at least it looks somewhat decent and any potential visitors don’t leave with his fur on their backside. Ladies today shave almost everywhere, so they probably wouldn’t appreciate any fur on their rear. They only take what sticks to their socks.
But pssss. I haven’t told you yet that I have one of those modern helpers at home, which charges in the corner and then, when you release it, cleans the floor for you. And it stores what it picks up in its little belly, which I then simply dump. But that’s not the point I wanted to make. The point is, you immediately see what your esteemed visitors might take home with them. So I try to minimize the fopa and more and more often think about hiring a cleaning company so I can have peace of mind and not have to keep all of this running through my head.

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